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Thursday 28 April 2011



I don't want to have to see you happy.
I can't even bare to see you smile.
Now-a-days I can't look in your eyes &...
Well I can but it takes a while
¯If you're strong?
Told a lot of white lies to hide it all.
But they're beginning to break me down,
Though I promise it's over now.

I'm gone.
I don't blame you at all.
'Cause after all the things that you did for me
Got beaten by temptation
I'm gone.
Girl you're better off alone.
I don't want you to see, the truth in me.

Try my best to keep it all together.
Tryna take it back to where we were.
Never been to good at keeping secrets,
Give you reasons but for what it's worth
Lemme go.
What the hell would make you look at me the same?
Used to say "We're unbrakeable."
But I just went & changed it all.

If I told you?
Could you live with that?
If I told you?
Could you live with that?
If I told you,
I couldn't live with that! I couldn't live with that!
I'd rather give you no excuses at all.

I'm gone.
I don't blame you at all.
'Cause after all the things that you did for me
Got beaten by temptation
I'm gone.
Girl you're better off alone.
I don't want you to see, the truth in me.

You gave everything & honestly it's every fault of mine.
To beg you for forgiveness just seems wrong.
See, leaving you is one thing
But you've got to realize:
Some things are best unspoken
So please don't ask me why!

Oh, you don't want to know
Oh, woah

I'm gone.
I don't blame you at all.
'Cause after all the things that you did for me
Got beaten by temptation
I'm gone.
Girl you're better off alone.
I don't want you to see, the truth in me.

If I told you?
Could you live with that?
If I told you?
Could you live with that?
If I told you,
I couldn't live with that! I couldn't live with that!
If I told you?
Could you live with that?
If I told you?
Could you live with that?
If I told you,
I couldn't live with that! I couldn't live with that!

Oh, ooooh
No no
No no
Oooh, woaah
Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oh oh.
Oh woah, oh woooah.


KRINGG...KRINGG.......berryberry aku berbunyi...igtkan sape...rupenyer akak aku yg shantek lg shewel tu call....die ckp............

sis:: xbngun lg....

aq:: awl lg la...

sis::bngun2....msk nasi sekarang...kak bwk balik lauk....


itu la keje aku boleh dikatakan hari2 la.....memasak..kemas bilik (PATDD)....ermmmmm
tp xkisah la....sb masak2 nie mmg aku suke.....

nape la cuti sem aku nie lame sgt...xthu nk uat ape....nk keje...hahahahhahaha PEMALAS nk MAMP**.....
aku bkn xnk keje...tp buat mase skarang nie....nk relek2 kat umah je dulu......lg pon...kalo keje setakat 2 bulan je...xmasuk mane pon....

ermmmmm........hari demi hari aku makin jd malas.....nk keje cm mane la...keje aku lom abes lg.....kalo aku keje...balik penat....cuti lak sari 2 je...ermmm nnti2 la aku pikir nk keje or tak.....sekarang nie aku just nk tmpukan pade badan aku yg makin cute ini....arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh aku da nekad nk kurus kan badan cuti nie....berita gembiranya...4 kg da turun...hahahahhaha tp badan aku cm tu je...xsurut2 pon aku tgok.....ermmmm xpe...mase masih lg panjang kang......

ape lg ek.....

tu je la kot.....nnti aku ade cerita bru...aku post kat cni oke........ :)

Sunday 17 April 2011

MINGGU FINAL EXAM YG MEMENATKAN..................................

tdo xkene...mkn xkene...ermmmm nie sume sal exm la...2 mnggu aku exm....ade lbh kurng 10 paper aku kne menyetelkan die...adoiii....bnyak mnde kne hafal nie...so far soo good la.....aku pon heran nape lect aku bg soalan pratikal senang ek...msti ade sesuatu yg tersembunyi...huhuhuhu ala paper 1 nnti cm hantu la susahnyer kn....

dalam duk sibuk exam tu...aku terdengar la stu cerita yg kureng enak.....kirenyer cake 'resipi rahsia' tu masih campion lg la...hahahahah

cerita nie bermula bila kiteorng amek exam paper 2 praktikal biocham....(paper killer)....kami semua dibahagikan pade 2 sesi...sb group kami nie mmg la ckit kan (PATDD)....so 13 sesi pertama..12 sesi kedua...
nk dijadikan cerita nie...ade la makhluk Allah S.W.T nie....menggunakan kemudahan yg ade pada zaman skang nie untuk membocorkan soalan ape yg keluar pd hari tu....ermmmmmmmmmmmm tindakan yg amat bagus....cube korng pikir....senang lenang je die tu kan....maknenyer die nk pat markah A sorng la ek...ooooo....amek la aku...aku xmuak pon nk A paper tu......

kepada sesiapa yg terlibat tu...bertaubat la wei...jgn la uat keje bodo sokmo.....ermmmm

so....baik aku stady tuk paper esk.....daaaaaaa

Friday 25 March 2011


hee...lame aku xupdate blog...xde mase la...lg pon bnyk mnde aku nk setelkan....so we started ngan cite kwn aku yg sygs nie...

hampir 4 bulan mengikat tali pertunangan..kawan aku yg sorng nie pon selamat diijab kabulkan bru2 nie..mmg meriah giler2...rmai yg dtg...aku pon bkan sgt yg datang tu...hehe yg paling aku xsangka aku jmpe cikgu2 aku yg dulu...hee dorng ckp aku makin gemok n tembam...damm it...xpe2 slowly aku diet nnti ye..mule2 die ckp nk uat simple2 je...xmo meriah sgt...last2 amek ko...cm lam hotel je majlis..

nie pic die mase majlis pernikahan...senyum sokmo...yg penting mekap baju pelamin mmg klas gile2...mmg weeding off the year la time tu....jap2 aku bg lg pic die nikah...

ermm kalo jodoh xkemana kan...:)

heheheh....comey die kan...da hampir 10thn aku knal die nie...ermmm dri tingkatan 1 smpai skang nie...kat bwh nie gmbr die mase hari sanding,,....

Sunday 6 March 2011

hey there...ari nie hari memenatkan aku...pg smpai tgh ari aku g tolong mkcik aku pndah umah barunyer...ermmm pas abis je kemas2 tu,..aku hang out ngan jazri ngan awek die yg tersayang syepy chuck..hahaha...aku ngan dorng g beli kan lptop hamba allah sorng nie....hee lawa gak lptop skang nie kan...aku nyer buruk da...buruk pon leh gak on9 sume...hehehe then kiteorng lepak2 kat ecm...

nk jdkan cite...ade plak mamat sorng nie join skali...kahkahkah...die adalah kamil amir yg hensem n cute (tangan kat dada...mata pndang ats..mulut senget) hahahah...we all karok 1jam...mcm2 lagu kiteorng nyanyi...maklumla...suare pujaan rmai..(tangan kat dada...mata kat ats)...hehehe then g lepak2 kat big apple...kamil amir belanje...maklumla...bru pat durian runtuh...huhu

mood::mod aku ari nie kepenatan tahap cipan mampos ank...penat gile beb...angkat mnde berat dri tngkat 4 turun balik...then naik balik apartment tngkat 3...ermmm kalo ari2 cm nie...mmg kering la bdan aku yg agk comel nie...nie je la kot tuk ari nie...badan penat...so tidoo je la..opss jeeww (bak kate anwarhadi)

Saturday 5 March 2011

layan perasaan...

tah kenape perasaan aku mlm bercelaru sgt...cm ade something yg belom terjawab..aku pasti ade sesuatu yg bermain difikirn aku skang nie...tp xpe la...aku just uat bodo je...makin aku pikir...makin serabut kepale hotak akuh nie...

nie la die....nur fatimah athirah...comel die kan...hurm
aku skang nie nga layan lagu2 jiwang...xthu nape...jatuh cinta ke...but with who...?????? aku pon xthu hehehe...kawan aku yg aku syg...paling aku syg...paling rapat ketike sekolah akn kahwin pade 18/march/2011...perasaan aku gembira xyh ckp la...sedih pon ade gak...bkn sb ape...die da nk kawin...so mase tuk kami same2 mnkin terbatas...tp aku thu die akn sntiase igt aku n kwn2 yg lain...die tunang ari tu aku xpat dtg...sb ade mnde perlu aku setelkan...kat sebelah nie gmbr die tunang...rugi betol aku xpat dtg...ermmm die ckp ok je...tp aku thu...msti die akn terase gak ckit2 kan...hehe so ok la....die kahwin nnti aku akn cube sedaya upaya...walaupon aku thu ia agk ssh...sb mnggu tu aku exm...tp xpe...aku rase smpt kot...haaa...pic kat sebelah nie...eyrah ngan oney...oney juge kawan aku paling mase time sekolah dulu...hahaha kalo igt balik time tu...klakar gile siot...muke same je ponteng klas...xuat keje rumah...lawan ckg...gaduh2...sume la...tp aku xterlibt la..hoho aku just backup dorng je...kadang2 aku terkene gak...hehe oney nie xthu la bile nk tunang....akn dtg la kot...heee aku doa2kan la ye ney..

aku tujukan lagu nie tu 2 org kawan aku nie...heee mmg aku syg gile2 la kat bantal busuk aku 2 org nie...love u

Friday 4 March 2011

koya dihari mnggu :)

helow2...ari nie 5 march ari sbtu...ermmm aku kat umah je ari nie...nothing to do...bosan tuhan je yg thu...xpe so k...aku ade my baby lappy...heeehe menatam nie la duk temankan aku ari2..kadang2 muak gak duk pandang mnde alah nie je...tp nk uat cm ner kan...xde ape nk uat...so redho je la...hehe...ari nie aku kne tolong mkcik aku bersihkan rumah bru die...xjauh mane pon ngan umah aku...dkt je....kalo ikotkan hati mls...tp xbaik la...die da bnyk tolong...masak tuk aku...kemas baju aku...heee aku igt ari nie nk kua...kebetulan lak ade pc fair kat hotel zeneith...perhh...hotel mewah tu....heheheh tp xpe la...ade peluang aku g la nnti ye..

muke aku yg dalam tekanan...hahahah
mood::mood aku ari nie xthu la cm ner...serabut ade...bosan xyh ckp la...2 3 ari nie...aku selalu memikrkan kwn2 aku yg jauh dimata..rndu kat dorng xyh ckp la...setakat gayut kat hp mane ckup...setakat wc kat ym je mane best...insyallah kalo ade mase aku akn jmpe dorng...lg pon cuti sem aku makin dkt skang nie...final exm pon makin dekat...test 2 xyh ckp la...smnggu je lg...aku xprepare ape2 lg pon...tp xpe...aku akn cube the best kali nie...insyaallah..